Daily 9 winter Skin care Routine You Must Follow During Winter Season

Winter skin care routine, how can I take care of my skin in winter, how can i make my skin glow in winter,

In the winter season, skin related problems start coming, whether someone’s skin is normal or someone’s skin is dry, but everyone has skin problems because there is a lot of damage to the skin in winter, there are many reasons for this, such as the sun Harmful u v rays and drinking less water, adopting wrong habits which are not good for your skin, that’s why many people’s skin starts peeling in winter and becomes very dry.

The problem of pigmentation and tanning is also seen on the skin. To avoid these, it is very important to follow the winter skin care routine. If you follow the summer skin care routine even in winter, your skin will become dry and lifeless very quickly. There will also be a problem of pigmentation and tanning on your skin, so winter skin care routine has to be done in a different way, now let’s know winter skin care routine,

Winter skin care routine
Winter skin care routine

Winter skin care routine

Winter skin care routine first requires keeping yourself hydrated and we will give you complete information about how to keep yourself hydrated in this post as well as you should use such products in winter which have moisturizing properties. And while buying face wash also, keep in mind that you must read the list of ingredients in it. Now let’s know in detail about Winter skin care routine,

1 Clean the skin in winter for skin care in winter

You use face wash to clean the skin in winter, but while buying facewash, keep in mind that the facewash you are buying for yourself should not contain chemicals like alcohol and paraben, because these chemicals can dry your skin very quickly. Will make it dry and your skin will become lifeless in winter, so use such a face wash in winter which is moisturizing face wash.

2. Use milk to clean the skin in winter

To clean the skin in winter, instead of using facewash, you can also clean your skin in winter with milk. Milk contains many nutrients and has moisturizing and cleansing properties, which make your skin soft. Moisturizes as well as cleanses, so in winter, apply milk on your face with cotton for 5 minutes, after that wash your face with lukewarm water, in this way your face will be deeply cleansed.

3. Keep yourself hydrated in winter

There is a lot of need to keep yourself hydrated in winter because the moisture of the skin starts to run out in winter, due to which the skin dries very fast, if you stay hydrated from inside, then your skin will not dry so quickly in winter and you Will be able to maintain the moisture of your skin Drink more and more water to hydrate yourself in winter Drink water even in winter so that your skin remains healthy You can drink 10 to 12 glasses of lukewarm water throughout the day.

4. Apply sunscreen in winter

There is not much sunlight in winter, so many people do not use sunscreen in winter, but if you want to keep your skin soft and shiny and want your skin to be protected from tanning and pigmentation in winter, then you can apply sunscreen in winter. I also go in the sun only after applying sunscreen on my face and hands and feet. Apply sunscreen well 5 minutes before going in the sun, this will protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. A sunscreen with zinc oxide is good for winters.

6. Pay attention to scrub in winter

In winter, where the skin needs to be cleaned properly, if you use more scrubs to clean the skin in winter, then your skin will be damaged. To maintain the moisture of the skin in winter, you need more skin exfoliating. Should be avoided if your skin is very dry then exfoliate your skin once a week and that too for only 3 to 4 minutes. So that the moisture of your skin does not get lost and your skin is protected from getting damaged in winter.

7. Take care of the skin of hands and feet

In winter, the skin of the hands and feet also has to be taken care of, for this you keep exfoliating the skin of the hands and feet from time to time so that when you apply moisturizer on your skin, your skin absorbs it. And whenever you wash your hands and feet, immediately apply moisturizer on your hands and feet and if the skin of hands and feet is very dry then use glycerin and petroleum jelly.

8. Apply sugar and coconut oil on dry skin

If the skin of your hands and feet is very dry, you also have problems like pigmentation on the skin of your hands and feet, then you can exfoliate your hands and feet and face at home, for this you need to take 5 teaspoons of powdered sugar and 7 teaspoons of coconut oil. After mixing both well, massage your skin with light hands for 10 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.

By using petroleum jelly and coconut oil on the skin in this way, your skin will become soft very easily and the skin will also shine and it is also a very good way to clean the skin.

9. Moisturize skin with aloe vera

Aloe vera is very beneficial for the skin and aloe vera has moisturizing properties, so aloe vera helps in softening the skin. To make dry skin soft, mix two teaspoons of lemon juice and three teaspoons of glycerin in 5 teaspoons of aloe vera gel. After mixing all the ingredients well, massage your face and feet with this mixture, after that for 20 minutes. Leave it then wash it. This will eliminate the dryness of your skin and your skin will become soft and shiny.

question Answer – FAQ – winter skincare routine

Can milk clean the skin in winter?

Yes, in winter the skin can be cleaned with milk, milk cleanses the skin and also makes it soft.

Should it be exfoliated in winter?

Yes, the skin should be exfoliated in winter, but if you have very dry skin, then exfoliate the skin only once a week.

Does skin get dry in winter?

The skin becomes dry to a great extent in winter because due to the dry winds in winter, the moisture of the skin is lost.

Is it necessary to apply sunscreen in winter?

Yes, it is necessary to apply sunscreen even in winter because the sun’s rays harm the skin.

Conclusion – winter skin care routine

After reading this post, you must have come to know about winter skin care routine and at the same time, if you want to make your skin beautiful and shiny in winter, then first of all stop using chemical products on your skin, it will affect your skin. There is a problem of itching and redness and the skin also becomes dry. If you like the post then share it,

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