How to make hair softer | Make hair silky, shiny and soft with these 7 remedies

 How to make hair softer, home remedies for soft hair overnight, how to get soft hair naturally at home, how to make hair silky permanently,

How to make hair softer: No one likes dry and lifeless hair, but not everyone finds it easy to make hair shiny, silky and soft.  and due to pollution and lack of nutrients in the body, the hair becomes dry and lifeless very quickly.  If your hair is completely damaged then you should follow home remedies to make your hair soft.

 Home remedies give instant results just by using it once or twice, so if you want to get instant results in making your hair soft, then you should follow home remedies.  If you apply oil in the right way, your hair will get a good amount of nutrients and your damaged hair will become very soft again.

 But which oil to apply in hair and how long to apply oil in hair, all these things you have to keep in mind, only then your hair can be made soft, shiny and silky, so if you also want to make your hair very soft.  Read below and learn how to make hair softer.

How to make hair softer
How to make hair softer

How to make hair softer

By the way, many home remedies are used to make hair soft but some of them are more effective and some are less so here I will tell you 7 home remedies to make hair soft and you can use these seven effective methods at home.  It can make your hair very soft and shiny.

 And you can improve the growth of your hair because the hair will get a lot of nutrition from all these things and your damaged hair will become very soft and silky again and their growth will also improve and your hair will also become thicker.  .  So let’s know step by step how to make hair softer,

 1. Make hair soft with curd

 If you want to get softer hair then you should use curd. Just as curd softens dry skin, curd is more helpful in making your hair very soft and silky.  The pack suits everyone’s hair and by applying it you can get very good results Curd hair pack is made in many ways but here I am telling you one of the best ways.  Applying this hair pack will make your hair very soft and shiny.

Method Of Application

 To make curd hair pack, you have to take 5 spoons of curd or you can take curd according to the length of your hair. Now you have to add 3 spoons of honey and three spoons of olive oil to it. After mixing everything well, you  Apply it well on your dry hair, apply it on the roots and on the length of the hair, and then leave it for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash your hair.  You can use it for 2 to 3 days in a week.

2. Make hair soft with oil

 Many people don’t like to apply oil in their hair and some say the harm of applying oil in hair, but if oil is not applied in hair, then the hair will not get nourishment and the hair will start breaking very quickly and there will be a lot of damage.  There is no harm in applying oil to your hair, so you can apply oil to your hair comfortably because I always apply oil to my hair and my hair is very long, thick and strong.  Applying oil will nourish your hair and make your hair silky shiny soft and strong.

 How to apply hair oil

 If you don’t want to apply oil to your hair for a long time, half an hour before you wash your hair, mix the four oils together and massage it slightly.  For this you have to take two spoons of olive oil, two spoons of almond oil, two spoons of castor oil and two spoons of coconut oil.  If not, the nutrients inside it will be reduced.

 If you want, you can heat the oil slightly by placing it over boiling water.  Now massage your hair roots well with this lukewarm oil and apply it on the length of your hair. After half an hour, wash your hair.  Hair will never be damaged, your hair will always remain strong, long, thick, silky, shiny and very soft.

 3. Make hair soft with banana

 Banana is used a lot on dry scalp, it removes the problem of dry scalp and hair gets a lot of nutrition from banana.  Dry and lifeless hair can be made very soft by applying banana hair mask.  Banana hair mask is made in many ways, but if you want, you can mix banana with honey and apply it on your hair, this will give you instant and much better results.

Method Of Application

 To make a banana hair mask you have to take half or if your hair is very long then one banana mash it well and then add two spoons of honey and one spoon of curd if you have olive oil then two spoons  Olive oil can also be added, it will make the hair soft even faster.

 Now you should apply this hair pack to your hair half an hour before washing your hair and wash it off after half an hour, your hair will become very soft.

 4. Make hair soft with aloe vera

 Aloe vera will be very helpful in treating your scalp because aloe vera contains vitamins as well as anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and many other nutrients that can soften your damaged hair and provide hydration to the hair.  Aloe vera can also be used for this. Applying aloe vera hair mask will make your hair very soft at once.

Method Of Application

 To make dry hair soft, you have to take four spoons of aloe vera gel. If your hair is too long, you can take more aloe vera gel.  If you don’t have aloe vera plant then you can take aloe vera gel from the market.

 In this you have to mix 4 spoons of honey and two spoons of curd. After mixing everything well, apply it well on your dry hair and massage it on your scalp.

 Wash your hair after half an hour. Using this will remove the dryness of your hair and your hair will be very soft, silky and shiny. Hair growth will also be better.  Scalp itching and dandruff or any other problem will also be removed.

5. Make hair soft with onions

 If you are looking for ways to make your hair soft overnight then you can’t get any better option than onion because onion is very helpful in making hair soft.  To make the hair long, thick and strong and also to remove problems like dandruff and itching from the scalp, onion is very beneficial.

Method Of Application

 To make hair soft with onion, you have to take a medium size onion, it will be more beneficial than red onion because it has more sulfur content.  Now grate this onion well or grind it. Extract the onion juice and mix four spoons of onion juice with four spoons of coconut oil.  massage with

 Apply it on the length of the hair and then leave it on your hair overnight. Your hair will look very dry after applying it, but when you wash your hair, your hair will be so soft that you will be surprised.  Wake up in the morning and wash your hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

 Now your hair will be very shiny and your hair will be very soft. It can be used on your hair every other day if your hair is very thin and weak.  Applying onion juice can make hair very long and thick. This is a tried and tested method.

6. Make hair soft with egg

 There are many benefits of applying egg to hair but if you just apply egg directly to your hair then your hair may become dry, so making an egg hair mask and applying it can make your dry hair very soft.  To make a hair mask, you will need two to three things along with eggs, so let’s know how to make an egg hair mask for dry hair.

 How to make and apply

 To make an egg hair mask, you have to take about 3 teaspoons of egg white and then add 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and 3 teaspoons of olive oil and 3 teaspoons of honey.  A hair mask for dry hair is ready by applying it, your hair will become soft very quickly and you will see a big difference in your hair.

 Half an hour before washing your hair, apply it well at the roots and length of the hair and massage it well. After half an hour, wash it off. It can be used two to three times in a week. It also improves the growth of your hair.  How to make hair softer If you also had this question then you must try it.

7. Make hair soft with rice

 Rice can also be used to soften dry hair. Due to the presence of amino acids and proteins in rice, it nourishes the hair and repairs damaged hair.  Along with the rice, you will also need three to four other things which I am going to tell you how to make below.

Method Of Application

 To make dry hair soft, you have to take a cup of rice and cook it well in water. When the rice is cooked, grind it with water in a mixer jar to make a smooth paste. Now you have to add coconut milk and almonds in it.  Mix oil or olive oil and apply it to your hair well.

Start applying it from the roots of your hair and apply it to the length of your hair.  For this, use a good shampoo that does not contain chemicals.  In this way every week you can make your hair very soft, silky, shiny and strong by applying rice to your hair.

Question Answer -FAQ – How to make hair softer

  1. How to make hair soft in 5 minutes?

    To make hair soft in 5 minutes, soak your hair in aloe vera gel and wash your hair after 5 to 10 minutes.

  2. Can coconut oil make hair soft?

    Yes, the hair can be made soft with coconut oil, if pure coconut oil is used, then the hair becomes very shiny and hair growth is also better. If you mix coconut oil with onion juice, it will give you very soft hair. How to mix onion juice with coconut oil has been explained in detail above.

  3. Does applying oil to the hair make the hair soft?

    Yes, applying oil to the hair makes the hair soft, shiny and strong.

  4. Can applying aloe vera gel in hair eliminate dryness of hair?

    Grind aloe vera with banana and mix it with two spoons of olive oil and apply it on the hair.

  5. Why does hair become dry?

    Washing the hair with hot water and not applying oil to the hair makes the hair dry and lifeless.

 Conclusion – How to make hair softer

How to make hair softer If you did not know then after reading this post you have come to know many ways to make hair softer. You can make your hair very soft by any of these methods. These methods are very effective and  Its effect is visible in the hair after using it once or twice.

Thank you!

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