How to apply highlighter 2023 step by step | Where to apply highlighter makeup

How to apply highlighter, where and how to apply highlighter, should highlighter be applied before or after powder, What is the correct way to apply highlighter?

How to apply highlighter: By doing makeup, many features of the skin are highlighted and the beauty of the face increases manifold. If makeup is done properly, it can make you look very beautiful and very attractive, but some people do not like makeup.  Not all the steps are known and one step in this is to apply highlighter. By applying highlighter, your skin can be shown very glossy and glowing.

 By applying highlights, you can make a thick nose appear thinner and you can bring a different glow to your face.  But if you do not know when and where to apply the highlighter and how to apply the highlighter, how to apply the highlighter, then you will not get the full benefits of the highlighter and your makeup will remain incomplete, so there are many ways to apply the highlighter.

 You can create different looks by applying different highlighter, which you will know in this article, if you want to know in detail step by step how to apply highlighter, then read this post completely till the bottom And then learn amazing ways to apply highlighter.

How to apply highlighter
How to apply highlighter

How to apply highlighter step by step

 There are many ways to apply highlighter, if you have too many spots and wrinkles on your face, then you can use highlighter in your foundation and concealer to remove them, however, you should take highlighter of a good brand.

 Which can make your skin look very glowing and it is also very important to sponge it after applying the highlighter. If you draw a line of highlighter on your cheek bone, then it will appear as a separate highlighter on your face, so it  It is also necessary to mix well.

 And I will tell you all these methods in this post, if you apply highlighter in the way I have told you, then you will see natural glow on your face and it will not be known at all that you have applied highlighter,

 1. Apply highlighter mixed with concealer

 If your skin is a little dark and you want to make your skin look very fair and shiny, you can apply the highlighter by mixing it in the concealer, but while mixing the highlighter in the concealer, to show a lot of glow and shine on your face.  Keep in mind that the amount of concealer you are taking should be mixed in half the amount of highlighter.

 And after mixing these two well, apply it on your face with a beauty blender or mix it well with your hands, then your face will look very fair and so shiny that you will be surprised yourself.

2. Apply highlighter mixed with foundation

 If you add highlighter to the foundation, then your face will look more fair and very glowing. If you are not doing much makeup on your face, you have to get ready very quickly and you are in a hurry, then immediately add a little to your foundation.  Mix some highlighter and apply it all over your face.

 Now your face will naturally look very glowing and very fair and you will not see much makeup on your face so that you will be able to look simple and very beautiful.

 3. Apply highlighter on the nose

 By applying highlighter on the nose, the nose can be made very cute and very beautiful. If you have a thick nose, if you want to make it look thinner, then apply a very thin highlighter on the top of your nose, from the eyes to the tip of the nose.  Have to apply very thin highlighter.

 And to make the nose look cute and upward, apply a little highlighter on the end of the nose and mix it well, do not apply highlighter on the bottom of the nose, it will make your nose look bent and bad, so the highlighter should always be on the tip of the nose.  Put it on

4. highlighter on cheeks

 You have to be very careful to apply the highlighter on the cheeks because if you apply the highlighter on the raised part of the cheeks where the bones are, if you apply your highlighter under it then it will spoil your look, so you can apply it under the eyes.  A little below where the bone is and where our cheek bulges out a bit.

 You have to apply highlighter well there, after applying highlighter, you have to blend well in the opposite side.  Blend the highlighter evenly, moving from the side of your nose towards your ears.

 And then blend the highlighter well in the opposite direction towards the bottom of the cheeks from the side of the eye, now your highlighter will look natural, it will not look like a separate highlighter.

 5. Apply highlighter under the eyebrows

 You will know how to apply eye shadow on the eyes, but you probably know how to apply highlighter under the eyebrows, but if you apply eye shadow above your eyes and under the eyebrows, then there is a little space left over it.

 If you apply highlighter there, then let’s make your eyes look so beautiful that you will be absolutely surprised. You have to apply highlighter very carefully and with a very small brush under your eyebrows.

6. highlighter on lips

 If the highlighter is applied above the lips, then it increases your beauty many times. You must have often seen heroines that they put highlighter on their lips, in the middle of the nose above the lips, where it is like a slight pit.  Is.

 There you have to apply the highlighter well, do not apply highlighter on the lips, just apply the highlighter well on the lips, then see your beauty will increase.

 But you will not be able to get a better look by applying just any highlighter, if your skin is more oily then you need to take a highlighter according to your skin type, so highlighters are made of four types and each skin type has different-  Use a different highlighter.  Read below to know which is the best highlighter for you.

 7. How many types of highlighters are there?

 There are four types of highlighters, such as those with oily skin use powder-based highlighters and those with normal skin use cream-based highlighters, and if your skin is very dry, then you should use liquid highlighters.  Use the highlighter according to your skin.

 If you have combination skin, combination skin means both oily and dry, oily skin around the nose and dry skin on the cheeks. If you have this type of combination skin, then you will need two highlighters around the nose and one for the nose.  And use liquid highlighter on the cheeks.

 In this way, according to your skin type, you can look very beautiful by applying highlighter on your face and make your face look glowing and shiny.

Question Answer – FAQ – How to apply highlighter

What is a highlighter?

Highlighter is a type of makeup product that can make your skin look brighter.

Can highlighter be applied on the nose?

Yes, highlighter can be applied on the nose and applying highlighter on the tip of the nose gives a very beautiful look.

Can highlighter be applied all over the face?

Yes highlighter can be applied all over the face but mix it with concealer or foundation.

Should highlighter be applied under the eyebrows?

Yes, by applying highlighter under the eyebrows, it can be looked very beautiful. Highlighter can also be applied like eyeshadow.

Should highlighter be mixed with foundation?

Ha high lighter foundation can be applied by mixing it, it gives a very fair look.

 Conclusion – How to apply highlighter

 After reading this post, you must have got very detailed information about how to apply highlighter because in this article you have also been told about which skin type people should use which highlighter.  If you apply highlighter in the way mentioned in the article, then your makeup will become very beautiful and you will look very nice and beautiful.

 Thank you!

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