How to apply eyeliner | 5 ways to apply eyeliner step by step

 How to apply eyeliner, how to apply eye liner yourself, pencil eyeliner kaise lagate hain, which is the best eye liner, read this post completely to get answers to such questions,

Who does not like to do makeup, but sometimes the one who does not know the right way to do makeup, his makeup gets completely spoiled and the beauty of his face decreases instead of increasing with makeup.  That’s why while doing makeup, everything should be applied very carefully and very well.

 For example, if you are doing eye makeup, then eye liner should be applied. By applying eye liner, the beauty of the eyes increases manifold and the best thing about eye liner is that it does not apply like mascara and on parts of the skin, so the eyes  Eye liner is applied to look black and smokey.

How to apply eyeliner
How to apply eyeliner

How to apply eye liner

There are many ways to apply eye liner and your look can be changed by applying eye liner in different ways, but it is very important to take some precautions while applying eye liner and let us also tell you this for information.  There are many types of eye liners such as liquid eye liner, pencil eye liner and gel eye liner.

 Whichever of these eye liner you use, you should know the right way to apply it, so if you want to know the right way to apply eye liner and want to know how to apply eye liner, then read this post carefully and know.  how to apply eye liner,

1. Choose the Right Eyeliner to Apply Eye Liner

 Before I tell you how to apply eye liner, first of all you should know that there are many types of eye liners and which one can be the best for you, well there are many eye liners but mainly  There are three eye liners, first liquid eyeliner and second pencil eyeliner, third gel eyeliner, all three of these eyeliners are very good for the eyes.  And it increases the beauty of the eyes manifold.

 But there is a lot of difference between the three eye liners, if you do not know how to apply eye liner, then do not apply gel eyeliner at all because gel eye liner makeup artists use more and a separate brush for applying water eye liner.  Comes and gel eyeliner is applied with usi brush so if you are also a beginner then skip the gel eye liner.

 2. Initially use pencil eyeliner to apply eye liner

 Initially, you should use pencil eyeliner because right now you do not know how to apply eye liner, then if you apply liquid eyeliner or if you apply gel eye liner, then it can spread here and there and spoil your eye makeup.  Therefore, by applying pencil eyeliner, your eyeliner will be applied in a perfect way.

 And it is not sticky at all and does not spread here and there, so it is very good to apply pencil eyeliner in the beginning.  Pencil eyeliner is just like an eyebrow pencil, but eyeliner is written on it, you will understand yourself by looking at it that it is a pencil eyeliner and if you use it in the beginning, you will get a very good look.

3. How to apply liquid eyeliner

 Anyone who knows how to do makeup very much likes to apply liquid eyeliner because it is very easy to apply liquid eyeliner and it gives a very beautiful look, but it is very important to take some precautions while applying liquid eyeliner.  It is necessary as well as to know how to apply eye liner, while applying the largest liquid eyeliner, keep in mind that you apply the eye liner in the right center,

 To apply liquid eyeliner, you have to use the brush found in this eye liner.  First of all, shake the bottle of eye liner well and let the eye liner mix and then open the eye liner and remove the eye liner with its brush.  Take as much eyeliner in the brush as you want to apply.

 Now you have to apply the eye liner well on your eyelashes and make a line, but keep in mind that if your hands are shaking too much, then stick the tape around your eyes so that if the eye liner spreads here and there, it will remain in the same place.  But don’t let it get on your skin.  Apply the eye liner well from the inside of the eyes towards the ear, above the eyelashes, if you are not able to make a straight line in one go, then make a straight line by applying a little eye liner in several times.

 While applying eye liner, do not rub your eyelids too much, otherwise, by applying eye liner in the eyelids, it can also be applied on your cheeks and on the eyeshadow above the eyes, due to which your entire makeup can be spoiled, so very carefully apply eye liner and eye liner  After applying, close your eyes, in 1 to 2 minutes when the eye liner dries well, then open your eyes.

 Now your eyeliner is applied and then you see in the mirror whether the eyeliner is evenly applied or not, because if the eyeliner is applied at some places and left somewhere, then it looks bad, so apply the eyeliner properly.  Similarly, apply eyeliner to the other eye as well and now your liquid eyeliner will look like this.

4. how to apply gel eye liner

 You need to practice a lot to apply eye liner because applying gel eyeliner is a bit difficult, so you should first practice applying eye liner.

 The Gel eye liner comes in a small box and no brush is supplied with it.

 That’s why you need to take a different brush, but you can use a very thin brush, only then you can apply the gel eyeliner properly.

 To apply eye liner, put a little eye liner in the brush and start lining with this brush from the corners of your eyes, if you are having trouble making the line at once, then dot dot and give a good sep first and then  Apply eye liner well above the eyelashes.

 To make eyes look bigger with eye liner, apply eyeliner well at the corners of the eyes.  With a few times of practice, you will learn to apply gel eyeliner easily. First of all, while applying the eye liner, keep in mind that this eyeliner should not spread here and there.

5. Some easy tips for beginners to apply eyeliner

 If you apply eyeliner for a few days, then you will become expert in applying eyeliner yourself and you will not need any tips, but if you are just learning to apply eyeliner, then you need to follow these tips very much,

 To apply the eye liner, first of all you will need a small mirror or if you are using the mirror kept in the room, then you should apply the eye liner very close to the mirror because the eye liner will not be clearly visible from a distance.  Your eyes may not be able to apply eye liner completely, so before applying eye liner, sit near the mirror and there should be enough light in the room.

 To apply eye liner, you should initially use liquid eyeliner. Out of these three eye liners, liquid eyeliner is very easy to apply.  And it doesn’t even have to be rubbed in like pencil eyeliner.

 While applying eyeliner, always look down and keep one eye open so that you can easily see whether the eyeliner is applying or spreading in the right direction of your eyes.

 To apply eye liner, you should first apply foundation and concealer, then apply eye liner, if you are applying eyeshadow, then apply eyeshadow first, then apply mascara and eyeliner.

 You should always use the right hand to apply the eyeliner or the hand with which it is easy for you to apply the eyeliner and keep the stool or takiye under the elbow so that your hands do not tremble and you can easily apply the eyeliner,

 Immediately after applying the eye liner, do not open your eyes at all and do not blink the eyelids until the eye liner is well dried, otherwise you will spread the eye liner immediately, it will be applied here and there, then your entire makeup can be spoiled.

 In this way, you can enhance the beauty of your eyes by applying eye liner, now you must have got detailed information about how to apply eye liner, now let us know the answers to some questions.

Question Answer – FAQ – How to apply eyeliner

How many types of eye liners are there?

Eye liners are mainly of three types.

Which is the best eyeliner?

The best eye liner is gel eye liner and it is used by makeup artists but for us liquid eyeliner is very best.

Can you open up your eyes instantly by applying eyeliner?

No, the eyes cannot be opened immediately after applying the eye liner, due to which the eye liner will spread here and there.

Does applying eyeliner enhance the beauty of the eyes?

Yes, applying eye liner enhances the beauty of the eyes and makes the eyes appear bigger and blacker.

Do your hands shake while applying eyeliner?

Some people’s hands tremble while applying eyeliner, so the support of chair or pillow should be applied on the elbows.

Conclusion – How to apply eyeliner

 After reading this article, you must have got complete information about how to apply eye liner and at the same time we tried to give you information about how to apply liquid eyeliner and how to apply pencil eye liner, how to apply gel eye liner.  And also given some tips for applying eye liner.

 If you apply eye liner after reading this article carefully, then it will be very easy for you to apply eye liner. If you still have any question in your mind, then definitely ask in the comment section and if you liked this post,  Do share it.

 Thank you!

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