Top 5 best hair mask for hair fall 2023 | Try this best hair mask for hair fall

 Hair mask for hair fall, homemade hair mask for hair loss, hair mask for thin hair homemade,

Hair mask for hair fall: If you are also troubled by hair fall, your hair is falling too much, then you should apply hair mask in your hair.  And while itchiness goes away, your hair will get nourishment. 

And your balls will again become very strong silky shiny and hair fall will stop completely, so if you do not know that Hair mask for hair fall, then read this post very carefully.  I will tell you some of the best hair masks, this hair mask will prevent your hair fall and improve your hair growth, so let’s know Hair mask for hair fall,

hair mask for hair fall
hair mask for hair fall

Top 5 best hair mask for hair fall 2023

 To control hair fall, whatever hair mask you apply in your hair, first keep in mind that what type of hair you have, whether your hair is oily or your hair is very dry, for dry hair, you should make a different hair mask and use it.

And for different hair you use different type of hair mask.  This will give you more benefits and stop your hair fall, here I will tell you how to make hair fall control hair mask at home, for this you can use things kept at your home like olive oil, curd, banana and egg etc.

1. Make onion hair mask for hair fall

 Whether it is to stop hair fall or to improve hair growth or to remove any scalp problem, you can use onion to remove every problem related to hair.  You get much better results in one go. 

Therefore, if you want to get rid of hair fall very quickly, then you must apply onion hair mask. There are many ways to make onion hair mask, but here I am telling you a great way.

Method Of Application

 To make a hair mask for hair fall with onion, you have to take a medium sized onion, peel off its peel, wash it thoroughly and cut it into small pieces and put it in a mixer jar.  Now you have to add 3 spoons of curd to it and then grind it well. 

Then filter it with the help of tea strainer and you have Hair mask for hair fall is ready. Apply it well in your hair and hair roots and then wash your hair after 1 hour.  Will give results and by applying it three to four times a week, your hair fall problem will go away.

 2. Make an aloe vera hair mask for hair fall

 Aloe vera is very beneficial for hair and aloe vera strengthens your hair as well as removes itchy dandruff and dryness of the scalp, so aloe vera is applied to the hair in many ways. Aloe vera contains many types of nutrients.  Which are very beneficial for your skin as well as hair.

Method Of Application

 To make hair mask for hair fall, you have to take four spoons of aloe vera gel and four spoons of onion juice and 4 spoons of castor oil. After mixing all the three things well, your hair mask for hair fall is ready.  After applying it well in your hair and hair roots, leave it for 1 hour and then wash your hair. You can apply it three to four times a week.

 3. Make an egg hair mask for hair fall

 To make hair mask for hair fall, you have to take two eggs and mix it well with the help of a forked spoon, you have to use both the white part and the yellow part of the egg. 

When your egg is mixed well, add two spoons of coconut oil to it.  If your scalp is very sticky then you can add two spoons of lemon juice instead of coconut oil. After mixing both the things well, your hair mask for hair fall is ready. Apply it on your hair and on the length of the hair.  Also apply and then wash after 1 hour.

 4. Make a hair mask of fenugreek seeds for hair fall

 If you want very long and thick hair, then apply a hair mask of fenugreek seeds, it will not only stop your hair fall.

Rather, it will help you to make your hair very thick and long, as well as repair your frizzy and damaged hair and increase the beauty of your hair manifold, so you should apply fenugreek seeds hair mask to prevent hair fall.  .

Method Of Application

 To make a hair mask, you have to take three spoons of fenugreek seeds, soak it in clean water and keep it overnight, grind it well in the morning and prepare a paste of it. Now in this paste of fenugreek seeds, add two spoons of curd and one  Add spoon aloe vera gel. 

After mixing all the things well your hair mask for hair fall is ready apply it on the roots of your hair and apply on the length of the hair wash your hair after 1 hour it will work like magic in your hair.

 5. Make Banana Hair Mask for Hair Fall

 For falling and lifeless hair, you can make a hair mask of banana, it will hydrate your hair as well as make your scalp healthy and increase the growth of your hair many times, as well as remove the problem of your hair fall. 

Will happen  You will need four to five things to make a banana hair mask. By applying this hair mask two to three times a week, you too can get very silky, shiny, strong and long thick hair.

Method Of Application

 To make banana hair mask, you have to take a ripe banana and put it in a mixer jar, now you have to mix two spoons of curd, aloe vera leaf and two spoons of castor oil in it, now you grind it and your hair mask for hair  fall is ready.

Now apply it in your hair and also apply it in the roots of the hair, after applying it well, leave it for 1 hour, after that wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.

Question Answer – FAQ – Best Hair mask for hair fall

How to stop hair fall?

To prevent hair fall, it is best to apply a hair mask to the hair.

Which hair mask to apply for falling hair?

For falling hair, you can apply any of the hair masks mentioned above, it is very effective.

How to make aloe vera hair mask?

To make an aloe vera hair mask, you have to mix one egg in four spoons of aloe vera gel, mix it well and apply it on your hair.

Should hair mask be applied on falling hair?

Yes hair mask can be applied to prevent hair fall. The above mentioned hair masks are very effective.

Should hair be washed with shampoo after applying hair mask?

After applying hair mask in hair, you can wash your hair with shampoo but try not to use shampoo with more harmful chemicals.

Conclusion – Best hair mask for hair fall

 Hair mask for hair fall After reading this post, you have got complete information about it, now you can stop your hair fall by applying any hair mask out of these five hair masks. 

And you can improve the growth of your hair as well as by applying these hair masks, your hair will shine, your hair will be soft, your hair growth will be very much better and you will get better results in a few days, so you  Do try any of these hair masks.  This is very beneficial for your hair.

 Thank you!

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