Best 5 Benefits of banana for skin and face mask recipe how to try it

 Benefits of banana for skin, banana face mask for acne scars, banana face mask for face, benefits of banana peel on face, Banana for skin whitening,

Benefits of banana for skin: If you also want to get very glowing and spotless skin, then you should apply a face pack made of fruits on your face and one of those fruits is banana. Banana can be very beneficial for your skin because zinc is in banana. 

Elements and Vitamin C, along with antioxidants, contain many nutrients that hydrate the skin and make it glowing, along with removing many skin problems.

 Therefore, if you also want to get very beautiful and glowing skin, then you should use banana on your face, the benefits of banana for the skin are many, which I will tell you in detail in this post.  First you know how banana is beneficial for the skin.

Benefits of banana for skin
Benefits of banana for skin

Benefits of banana for skin

Banana moisturizes your skin and it has many benefits on your face. If your face does not remain dry and lifeless, then wrinkles will not appear on your face and the glow of your face will not end, thus banana benefits by moisturizing the skin. 

And the same banana is also helpful in removing the dead skin cells of the skin, after applying banana, acne can also be removed from your face because zinc element is present in banana and it is very effective in treating acne.

 You can make a face mask of fort on a dry and lifeless face and apply banana regularly to remove pimples, this will also remove your pimples and pimple marks.

Banana face pack is made in many ways if you  Along with the benefits of banana, if you want to know how to use banana on the skin, then read below and know the benefits of banana for skin

 1. Banana is beneficial for dry skin

 Whether it is winter season or summer season, it is a common thing to have dry skin, due to wind on the skin or due to dehydration problem in the body, due to lack of water in the body or any such products applied on the skin.  Due to using which does not suit the skin, a lot of dryness comes on the skin.

 And the skin becomes dry and lifeless very quickly and due to the dryness of the skin, wrinkles also appear on the skin and it looks very dark and withered, in such a situation, if you want, hydrate your skin by applying a banana face mask.  Can do and get rid of dry skin.

Method Of Application

 To make banana face mask for dry skin, you have to take half ripe banana, after mash it well, add about two to three spoons of honey to it, after mixing it well, apply it on your dry skin and light hands  Massage it for 2 to 3 minutes, then leave it on your face for 25 minutes, then wash your face with normal water, it will moisturize your face very well, hydrate it, and a lot of glow will come on your face.  You can use it daily, this banana face mask is best for dry skin.

 2. Banana removes acne

 Due to acne on the face, there is a problem of dark spots and blackness on the face, in this way the whole beauty of the face is lost, if you are also troubled due to acne on the face, then you should use banana on your face.  But if you are thinking that you cannot use banana on oily skin, then it is not so at all, you can use banana on oily skin and acne also, it does not harm your skin.

Method Of Application

To cure acne with banana, you have to take half a ripe banana, after mash it well, add 2 teaspoons of raw milk and half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it, after mixing everything well, apply it on your face and then  Wash it off your face after 25 minutes. If your skin is allergic to lemon, you can add aloe vera gel instead of lemon. By applying this face mask every other day, pimples will gradually disappear from your face.  Mixing equal quantity of honey and banana and applying it on pimples can cure them.

 3. Banana cures wrinkles

 If there are too many wrinkles on your skin, then you should use banana. Wrinkles on the face or on the whole skin occur due to many reasons, but the main reason is increasing age.  So you can use banana regularly to reduce and remove wrinkles on your face.  Banana will act as anti aging for your skin and will hydrate your face as well as get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

Method Of Application

 To remove facial wrinkles from banana, you have to take a banana, mash it well and then add three teaspoons of aloe vera gel and half a teaspoon of almond oil or if the skin is dry, you can also add honey.  After mixing, apply it on your face and wash it after drying. Using it every day or every other day will eliminate wrinkles on your face and glow will come on your face.

4. Banana brightens the face

 Banana can help in brightening the face, if you start applying banana face pack or face mask on your face regularly, then it will not only improve the complexion of your face, but will always keep your face soft and glowing and your  Wrinkles and spots on the face will not come; Banana is really very beneficial for the skin. Antioxidants present in banana help in making the skin shiny.

Method of application

 To improve the complexion of the face, you have to take two spoons of banana paste and then add two spoons of curd and two spoons of cucumber juice, after mixing everything well, apply it on your clean face and wash it after drying.  The face pack will help you a lot in hydrating your face to make it fairer and after applying it, there will be a lot of glow on your face. You can use this face pack for all skin types as well.

5. Banana makes skin glowing

 You can use banana in many ways to bring glow on the face, banana moisturizes and hydrates the skin along with hydrating the skin.  You can get fair and glowing skin by making banana face mask with aloe vera along with honey.  To increase the glow of the face, you can use banana with aloe vera or even with honey.  Or you can apply banana paste on your face daily.

Method of application

To bring glow on the face, you have to take half ripe banana, after mash it well, you have to add two spoons of aloe vera gel and two spoons of honey, after mixing both the things well, apply it on your clean face and  Massage well for 5 minutes.  Then wash your face with plain water, you can use it daily, it will help you a lot in making your skin smooth, shiny and spotless, and you will get the best result only after 1 week.

Question Answer – FAQ – Benefits of banana for skin

What are the benefits of applying banana on the face?

If banana paste is applied on the face daily, then wrinkles, freckles and spots on the face will go away.

How to make banana face mask?

To make a banana face mask, you have to take two spoons of banana paste and add two spoons of honey to it, apply it on your face, it will remove every problem of the face.

Does banana cure acne?

Banana cures acne and contains zinc element as well as anti-oxidants.

Can you get glowing skin with bananas?

You can apply banana face mask to bring glow on the skin from banana, it is very beneficial, above are the methods of making banana face mask.

Should I apply banana paste on my face?

Yes, banana paste can be applied on the face, it nourishes the skin and many skin problems are removed.

Conclusion – Benefits of banana for skin

Benefits of banana for skin If you did not even know, then after reading this post, you have come to know the benefits of banana for skin. Now you can overcome many problems of your face by using banana. 

Banana can be included in the skin care routine; Banana can remove the dead skin cells of the skin.  And can nourish the skin, can remove pimples and acne, so you must also use banana on your face.

 Thank you!

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